Navigating change is difficult. Rachel Green & the re•solutions team can help increase clarity & improve communication for couples in conflict.

Fuel for Conflict

People get into the worst fights when what they are fighting about is not what they are really fighting about…

I am working with a couple who have an extremely (and unusually) hostile and embittered post-divorce relationship. I am working with them as a parenting coordinator, not a mediator. This means that I was appointed by the court and have the power to make decisions if there is a time-sensitive matter pending. Usually, during mediation, I don’t have the power to make decisions (and why should I? Those are not my kids).

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Six Things Your Litigator Doesn’t Want You To Know

Six Things Your Lawyer Doesn’t Want You To Know

 OR – Why You Should Mediate Your Divorce

  1. Children
  • Your children will never thank you for destroying their other parent
  • Children always know the truth of their parents’ divorce.  They will focus on it, and listen carefully to everything they hear, and piece together the story.
  • The longer you are embroiled in conflict, the longer before your children can settle back into being normal kids – focusing on school, friends, music, soccer – and not on the conflict between the two people they love most in this world.

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