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Rachel Green's Musings & Blog

Why Mediate?

I usually begin mediation sessions by asking a couple why they are coming to mediation. This helps people to remember what kind of process and outcome they are hoping for and lets me know how much they know about the process.

I met with a new couple last week, and when I asked them this question, I was blown away by their answers. In 5 minutes, they described the most idealistic mediation process and highlighted (what I see as) the benefits of mediation.

They said...

  • they want to stay amicable

  • mediation is less costly

  • mediation would allow them to maintain good communication

  • makes sense because they have a son

  • not a lot of contentious issues between them so, why enter a process which might create conflict?

  • avoid a war like session

  • get guidance and counsel from neutral, objective persons

  • won’t waste money

  • more antiseptic, won’t create big wounds

  • more transparent, by starting discussions in the room together, they would explore information together, and decide together

So beautiful!

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