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Rachel's Musings & Blog

1 min read
What If You Started A Business Together?
Brian and Zeke were divorcing and both wanted to continue working in the business they started together. We discussed the pros and cons....

2 min read
Will Mediation Benefit Us If We Have No Kids?
In mediation we work to make space for the conversations you haven't been able to have on your own. Which can help find closure and move...

2 min read
Separation or Divorce?
The answer is a personal one and depends where you're both at. Are you 100% sure you're headed for divorce or is there a chance of...

6 min read
Mediation and Neutrality
A neutral mediator is key to the mediation process. This neutrality in the mediator can help heal the pain of divorce and increase...

3 min read
Mediation or Collaborative?
Is mediation or collaborative divorce the right fit for you? After you've decided that you're going to separate, the first questions you...

3 min read
Is Mediation Right for Me?
8 Reasons To Try Mediation: 1. Faster Path to Closure: You may have been wronged but getting stuck in conflict and seeking revenge will...

3 min read
Does 50/50 reflect your feelings of self worth?
Often in mediation, we discover how conflict brings forward other issues, including those of self worth. A couple, we'll call them Allie...

1 min read
On the Same Side?
It's a challenge in many relationships, to communicate your needs in ways that doesn’t come across as slamming your partner. I see men...

2 min read
The Challenge of Seeing Both Sides
I had an irate email from a former client, who is now in litigation with her husband and was feeling (retroactively) that I was not...

2 min read
Seeing People Change
Probably the most important piece in order to mediate, is to have two people who want to come through the big picture OK. Neither out to...

5 min read
Can I Mediate if I’m Angry?
Anger is a normal feeling to have during a divorce. In fact, if you didn’t feel angry there would probably be something very wrong....

1 min read
Why Mediate?
I usually begin mediation sessions by asking a couple why they are coming to mediation. This helps people to remember what kind of...

2 min read
How Long Does Mediation Take?
The answer to this varies a lot. Firstly, you’re in control, you decide how long you want between appointments. If you want to move...
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