The divorce process can be long and tiring. Many clients who have reached the end wonder, What’s next? Living alone post divorce (part of the week if you have kids) can be a challenge as you adjust.
It can be a relief to no longer live with your ex, but it can also be a difficult transition. It’s normal to have mixed feelings especially if you initiated it. The divorce process sweeps you up and you focus on the goal, as you negotiate, and push through. When it is over, it can leave a void.
So now what...?
Enjoy being by yourself. Living alone is a chance to get to know yourself better. Reflect on who you are now by journaling.
Explore other interests. Revisit something you loved in high school or college that fell by the wayside. Singing, playing an instrument, soccer, softball, social activism, gardening, bike riding or finally starting that sewing or carpentry project you’ve been meaning to do for years. It’s good to remember you don’t need anyone else to have fun.
When you live alone and feel lonely or had a bad day at work, don’t be afraid to reach out to a friend or family member.
When you get married it’s easy for friends to slip through the cracks. You have less time to catch up or call. Start a routine of calling your friends.
As you adjust to post divorce, it can be hard to be alone with one’s thoughts, but if you take this opportunity to do some self exploration, you may find it one of the most rewarding times of your life.